If you cannot find the right dash board for your Vanagon you might do what this guy did. The silver dashboard against the black doesn’t look too bad considering the light color of his Vanagon.
Hit the jump for another pic.

This is one of the nicest modified Vanagon I’ve ever seen. It’s looks like it started as a van, but was coverted to a truck with a half sliding door, pop up back window, and South African headlight kit.
Hit the jump for another pic.

Don’t you just hate when the rain comes into your van through the open windows? Hans Brouwer has the answer. He created this rain deflector himself. Nice work!

The picture says it all. Check out the bed cover!

This is one of the best dashboard hacks/mods we’ve ever seen. It’s a custom painted, fiberglass dash from Sunny’s Vanagon/TDI Conversion. Awesome beyond belief!
Hit the jump for more.