This isn’t really a hack, but a nice addition to the Vanagon. We have all sorts of lights in the van just in case we need them. We decided to mount a MagLite next to the driver’s seat for those emergency situations. We bought these mounting brackets and screwed it right in. It works very well!

People use Vanagons and Buses for all sorts of reasons, including food trucks. We have featured food trucks and lunch wagons in the past and here is another one. If you’re in the mood for crepes you can visit Delice Crepes in Haleiwa Hawaii. There are so many hacks on this bus that we won’t list them all. Instead, we will simply admire the view!

If you are really ambitious you gut your Westy and build your own custom cabinets. Check out this guy’s take on it. Custom cabinets complete with drawers, new fridge, and microwave with stainless trim kit. Right on!

The bar has been raised for what is possible in a Westy. You thought you had custom cabinets in your Westy? Check out this gorgeous custom wood interior. They were designed and built for a Vanagon named Nacho and they look awesome! For more pictures about how they were designed and installed, check out the source link below.

I just installed the interior LED upgrade kit from Van Cafe and it is fantastic. These new LEDs use 90% less energy, but provide amazing light. The new bright white light is so much better than my old interior festoon bulbs, and I can clearly see the entire interior of my Vanagon during the day or night if the lights are on. Unfortunately my camera cannot adequately capture how great the improvement really is. The picture above doesn’t do it justice, but trust me, they are awesome!
The kit was easy to install and makes a big difference. The new bulbs are just slightly larger in some cases so you have to squeeze them in there. It’s really not a big deal at all and well worth it. I bought the kid for $30 and the improvement in the map light is almost worth the entire kit. I can finally see in my glove box! I would highly recommend this upgrade to every Vanagon owner. Your eyes and your battery will thank you.
If you’re looking for an upgrade kit you can get one from Van Cafe or GoWesty. I order from both companies on a regular basis and both are fantastic!

Anyone who owns a Vanagon knows the lighting situation isn’t ideal. I have a fluorescent light, but sometimes you need more discreet lighting options. Sylvania makes the DoT-it LED lights that are magnetic, and can be place almost anywhere.
I use these lights for indirect lighting when I’m in some kind of stealth situation. They provide enough light to get around, but cannot be seen from the outside of the van with my 5% tint. If I draw the drapes, there is no way anyone could see the light in the van, yet I can see perfectly well. Read the rest of this entry to see examples of how we use these lights.

Frank Grunthaler has created his own custom TDi instrument cluster. By combining elements from three Passat clusters, he came up with something much more complete than the standard Vanagon dash. If you’re a do it yourself guy, he has a website that outlines the steps he took to create the cluster. I wouldn’t call it a detailed “how to” instructional, but he spells out his process pretty well. Hit the link below for more pics and his story.
Frank G.’s Custom Cluster

A user at the Brick Yard Forums sent in these pics of his custom Vanagon interior. He apparently keeps a Playstation and TV monitor in the cabinet that his kids use when they travel. He has custom upholstery and a Passat engine. Right on! Hit the source link below for more pics.

Whenever you shop for Vanagons you inevitably find someone who has recreated their favorite childhood van – Scooby-Doo’s Mystery Machine. This one is courtesy of The_Samba.com, and there is another one after the jump.