One of the best things you can do to your Vanagon is install GoWesty’s Auxiliary Battery Kit. Once you have that done, you might consider this battery hack we first got from Ken at Van Again. He put 3 motor scooter batteries in parallel to get more amp hours out of the setup. We followed his lead and it works great. He used 3 UB12220 batteries to get a total of 66ah. We had to settle for 3 Power Sonic 21ah batteries to get a total of 63ah because nobody would ship the UB12220 batteries to Honolulu, but we are totally happy with the setup.
Tags: Auxiliary Battery

This 1988 VW Syncro Double Cab truck is to die for. It lived in Sweden and was well taken care of. It went on sale in April 2017 with an asking price of $18,500. Would you pay that much for this truck? This truck looks pristine on the inside and out and has not been restored. It was simply well maintained. Click through for more stunning pics.

Some people like to see how low they can go. Others, want to go in the opposite direction. This Vanagon Syncro, see on The Samba, has a 35mm lift kit installed. The kit was apparently purchased from Oberschlachter and it makes the Vanagon appear very high. I would suggest it is in need of larger wheels and tires to match.

File this one under crazy Vanagon paint jobs. This 1990 Vanagon sits outside the Hood Canal Marina with a paint job fit for its surroundings. Someone decided (after the fact) to paint some fish on this Vanagon, perhaps to make it feel at home. The otherwise normal looking Vanagon is instantly transformed into something to look at. This is definitely not my aesthetic choice, but I’ll give them an “A” for effort.

The Vanagon cigarette lighter is a quirky part of the van. It gets loose and easily breaks after repeated use. We have shown you how we strengthened our loose cigarette lighter plug, and we use USB adapters to charge our equipment, but Camp Westfalia has an even better idea. They have published a step by step guide to show you how to install a permanent 12 volt USB plug in place of the lighter. Click through for more.

This expedition Syncro has a unique rear window. They apparently replaced the rear hatch and side windows with diamond plated steel, then cut a new hole for a smaller slider window. Awesome! This Syncro also has a huge reverse light and roof racks. Very cool!

Check out this party doka that is posted on The Samba. Their website seems to be out of commission so I can’t tell if it is for rent, but it’s an interesting use of a VW Doka. She has a table and booth seats on the back with speakers above. Very cool. Click through for another pic.

The yellow stripe on this 1990 Tristar Syncro truck caught my eye. It is an interesting two-tone paint job if you can call it that. It may just be more of a thick yellow stripe. It does have some nice driving lights on the front lower grill and semi-truck side view mirrors, but beyond that it’s a normal Syncro truck. Check out many more pictures of this Syncro in the website. The interior is light gray which means this truck likely had a color change.

There is so much to love about this rugged high top. It appears to be somewhere in Germany as it is appearing in this forum. All she needs is a new set of wheels and this would be a winner. I wish we had some interior pics, but check out the winch on the front bumper and the driving lights on the roof. This ride is ready for all off roading adventures!