This 1985 T25 has a custom interior kitchen and an accordion style pop top. It has a Westfalia logo on the exterior, but it is unlike any Westfalia I’ve ever seen. The color is a bit gross, but otherwise this thing has a lot of character. Checkout the kitchen just behind the front seats. Click through for more pics.
Here is a nice Vanagon with a very large eyebrow. Frankly, I think this front grill mod should be called an “eyelid” but it appears I have already lost that argument. Most people paint the eyebrow the same color as the van, but this owner decided against it. His eyebrow is also much larger than most I’ve seen. This Vanagon has a nice body kit and rain guards for the windows too! Click through for another pic.
In case you don’t have enough light in your Westy, you can follow a fellow Westy owner’s installation of swivel LED lights on the ceiling. People find all kinds of ways to add lights to their Westys, but this is one of the nicest installations we’ve seen. At $39 these lights look to be a great deal. Click through to see how it’s done.
We previously named a Vanagon the junk yard dog, but this one seems to fit the bill even more. This Syncro sports the kind of rustic body work that gives it character. The large wheels and tires are just the beginning on this one. Check out the front grill protection. And what about that roof rack with the driving lights attached. This van would actually look worse with a new paint job. The aesthetic definitely screams junk yard dog!
I’m not sure what this thing is, but it looks like they took a page from those caterpillar or accordion busses. It appears to be two high top Vanagon campers put together, with the rear being more of a trailer that extends the front van. They are carrying a minibike on the front bumper, and they appear to have jalousies. Interesting ride!
If you have a 1980 – 1991 Vanagon with a worn shifter boot you’re in luck. TMI sells these in multiple colors and they look great. For $79.99 you can’t go wrong. Check it out at the source link below.
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