This 1987 Vanagon turned truck is currently listed for sale on Craigslist. It is located on the Big Island of Hawaii and it looks like crazy conversion. Someone took a Wolfsburg Edition with reverse seats and chopped it up into a truck. Anyone with a Wolfburg or Carat will recognize what is going on despite the poor angle of the pictures. Click through for more.
If you would like to find a new use for those Vanagon jump seats, check out Rocky Mountain Westy’s jump seat adapter. The kit turns your Vanagon Wolfsburg, Weekender, or Carat’s jump seats into a usable chair outside the van for camping, fishing, soccer games, etc. These Vanagon reverse seats were useless once you removed them from the van, until now.
Rocky Mountain Westy sells their kit for $149.95, and that’s a pretty good deal. Check out the source link below to order yours now.
It looks like someone started an ambitious Vanagon conversion, but gave up. This van was apparently listed as abandoned. Perhaps whoever started this conversion got in over his head.
This double cab Doka truck looks incredibly well kept. It includes a rear camper top with a King sized bed for those camping trips. It doesn’t get much better than this!
These custom door panels are laser cut to your specs. I ran across these on Etsy by a company called VanagonDwellers. They can make almost any pattern you send them and the panels will be ready to install with all clip holes. Not bad.
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