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The owner of this 1984 water cooled camper obviously has no fear, and was probably bored with their brown camper. Although the paint job is not my cup of tea, there is something endearing about someone painting their van to their own liking. In this case, even the hub caps match the theme. They call her, Daisy.


All Vanagon owners want more switches and dials on the dash don’t they? Here is yet another example of how to modify the Vanagon dash. I have no idea what any of these switches are for, but they look cool don’t they?

Jun 01, 2016 | Category: Aesthetic, Other People's Hacks


They make Vanagons for just about every conceivable situation, including hunting. This thing even has storage for a rifle. Hit The Samba to see the full pic.


Have you ever seen a more gorgeous interior in a Vanagon? Dubteriors created this interior that features maple as the main timber, a wedge worktop, and brushed stainless steel. This is so nice, it’s almost too nice for an old van. You have to click through to see the rest of this interior.



This 1990 Westy has been restored in a huge way. It looks nearly brand new. The owner put it up for sale a few years ago so who knows who owns it now. It’s been lowered a bit, but the owner says the 16 inch wheels don’t rub and the ride is smooth. I would love to own this van. Click through for more pics.




Is this really a camp paint job? Not really, but it’s very similar. Unless you’re hiding in a paint shop you will actually stand out with this Vanagon. I love how he painted the roof rack to match. I always appreciate a Syncro that’s well done!



Just in case you thought you had awesome driving lights on your Vanagon, step aside. This guy has the mother of all driving lights! His camper has a unique high top design and his restoration is very nice.


Have you seen Shooftie yet? This guy has some serious mods for Vanagons. You have to check out his website.

I like this little plug he made for the hole in the rear cabinet for the table leg. He had some wood laying around that was perfect for the job. Click through to see how he also made a little trim for the table leg.



According to a post on The Samba, this interior was customized in Thailand. Apparently, someone imports basic transporters into the country, then they customize the interior. It is interesting to say the least. Click through to see more.


Wood Wedge1

This is absolutely insane. This wooden model Vanagon has been hand carved by someone who never saw a real van. He apparently did it all by viewing pictures. I wish I could buy this model. Amazing! Click through for more.


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