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There is a lot to love about this Syncro with a Subby conversion. A brand new paint job, lots of extra lights, and a Subaru engine make this Syncro a keeper. What caught my eye however, was the black wheels with matching paint on the inside. Nice attention to detail!


Jan 13, 2020 | Category: Aesthetic, Other People's Hacks

It takes a diehard Vanagon geek to make a Vanagon part of a wedding. That’s exactly what The Samba user, surfinwesty, did. He posted pictures of his wedding and said, “got hitched with my beautiful bride and our favorite Vanagon westy!” He’s definitely in love with his bride and his Vanagon.


There is a lot to love about this 1987 Syncro, but the interior caught my eye. It include custom leather front seats with desert canvas armrests. The desert flavor is carried throughout the van. Click through to see more.


Anyone who was a fan of the original Magnum P.I. will remember the Island Hoppers Vanagon. Here is an Island Hoppers pillow for sale from They also have T-shirts and coffee mugs if you’re a diehard fan.

This Vanagon ambulance likely comes from Europe but it has California plates. It appears to be part of the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America’s California Chapter although I found it on Flickr. The interior is tight, but it works. Click through to see the interior pic.


Dec 24, 2019 | Category: Aesthetic, Other People's Hacks


It’s Christmas and here is another Vanagon Christmas Ornament. Merry Christmas to all Vanagon enthusiasts. Here’s to a Happy Holiday Season!


Dec 19, 2019 | Category: Conversion, Other People's Hacks

This Vanagon Trakka comes out of Australia. The custom conversion has lots of extras as you can see. It doesn’t have the standard Westy pop top, but a full pop top with a lower profile. It also comes with a serious bull bar on the front bumper and some sort of basket-like windshield protection.



What happens when you turn a Vanagon into a boat? You get an amphibious Vanagon. This thing travels on land and at sea. If you are like me, you are probably fairly skeptical about this vehicle. Click through to see a video of this thing in action.


This appears to be some kind of removable extension for a Westy and is apparently called the Bischofberger extension. I don’t have any information about it other than what appears in the pictures.



This van is so amazing, everyone needs to head over to see the pictures. This VW T3 Caravelle has a V8 and you won’t believe where they put it. Before you go, click through to see this awesome interior and cockpit. I love the paint, the body kit, and the awesome interior. Trust me, click through and check this awesomeness out!

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