Here is another Vanagon RV. This custom conversion makes the Westy look small. I love the round headlights from what appears to be a South African grill. With custom wheels, large side mirrors, a luggage area on top, and awning, this rig is ready for a weekend out by the lake. Let’s go!
This turquoise VW T25 camper has been fully restored and it is beautiful. The interior could use a bit more love, but the exterior looks great. The antenna, of all things, caught my eye. I love how it angles up beside the window. My antenna definitely doesn’t look that slick. Click through for another pic.
This T25 Transporter is incredibly low. The rustic look is awesome on this low rider even though it has a missing grill. If you want to see a bunch of very low VW’s, check out Slam Sanctuary. This is the only Vanagon I found, but the site is awesome!
Tags: Lowered
A user at The Samba posted a series of pictures on how he mounted a HDTV in his Vanagon. You can head over to the forum topic here to see all the pictures. This is very cool!
Check out this full Vanagon restoration. They’ve gone through the entire van and fixed everything. We love the way the added insulation to the entire van to cut down on road noise. That’s a nice hack.
Link: Weide Family Vanagon
How would you like to drop this custom cluster into your Vanagon. I don’t have much information on it, but it appears to be custom job taken from a TDI. Love the white face!
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