The owner of this Vanagon likes red and white. Can you tell? He sprayed the entire dashboard white, including the air conditioning vents. Even the shifter and the door panels are white. He also apparently likes red velvet because that’s what the seats look like. I don’t if the cloth is actually velvet, but it has that look. This 1980 Vanagon Westy was listed on Craigslist for $18,000. What do you think? Is it worth it? Click through to see his rear bench seat.
The Joker was introduced in the late 1970’s. It featured either a pop top or a more interesting high top. The high top was considered aerodynamic with its low front leading to a higher rear. Unlike other high tops, the Joker came with a front front panoramic window. It looks a little funky now, but in 1978 it was awesome. I don’t see many Jokers these days, but click through for a couple of shots of a Syncro Joker.
In case you are not using the space under your front seat for an extra battery, here is an idea for extra storage space. We have seen several other options before, including custom lock boxes sold by retailers. we keep several items under our front seats including a battery charger, sun shade, CDs, and even a book of menus from local restaurants. This Samba user created a drawer that slides out the front, and a rear-entry lock box. I want one!
This is definitely not the first time we’ve seen a sun visor for the Vanagon, but I thought this van was interesting. The sun visor comes courtesy of a european company called BBT, and it is called an “Australian Sun Visor.” They offer various accessories for VW’s and the sun visor is one of their products. It gives the Vanagon a vintage look, but I’m not sure I’d have the guts to put one on my van.
This single cab Vanagon truck is mostly stock, but looks very clean. The South African grill is the obvious upgrade here, but the stock wheels make it feel original. This is an import that looks like it currently resides in Washington. I’d love to take this one out for a spin. Click through for another photo.
We have seen wood door panels before, but here is another implementation. If you are good with wood you can outfit your old Vanagon with all sorts of goodies. Here is an example of wood panels for the sliding door and the rear hatch. You will have to click through to see the rest. This guy also made a nifty little front compartment near the shifter.
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