The pics are taken at Vanfest, and these guys are crazy. Are you gutsy enough to drive your Syncro over a mountain of logs? The photos were originally published on The Samba and you should hit the source link below to see more crazy Vanagon owners. You won’t believe it. Click through to see more pictures.
What do you get when you take the famous Island Hopper Vanagon from Magnum P.I., chop 11 inches from its height, and place it over a Toyota MR2? The picture says it all. The guys at LeMons New England gave it a shot for their Halloween Hooptiefest. They turned the Vanagon into a bit of a racer.
The recipe: Take one third-gen Toyota MR2 that was wrapped around a shopping-mall light pole in a fit of ill-advised hoonage, take a Vanagon body and chop 11? out of its height, do some cutting and pasting. Yes, it is now an MR2 with a giant box-shaped airbrake and 800 pounds of additional weight… and one of the greatest race cars we have ever seen. Will it be faster than the GoWesty LeMons Vanagon, with its VR6 power? We’ll see on Saturday.
Click through to see another shot.
Blogger Chojin Chef has a 1984 Westy and has come up with a few good hack ideas. This hack enables him to open and close the rear hatch from the inside. He installed a handle and a knob on the inside of the rear hatch. The handle allows him to pull the door closed, while the knob allows him to release the latch and open the door. How many times have you been laying in the back of your van and wished you could open the rear hatch for some fresh air? Click through to see how he did it.
There is nothing we like more than attention to detail. This Vanagon owner decided to put a little color into his dash and steering wheel. Even the ash tray got a coat of paint on this one. I’m not a huge fan of the orange, but the cloth horn button looks very nice. Click through to see what the exterior of this Van looks like.
Curtains or drapes can make your Vanagon feel more like a home. After all, cars don’t have drapes but most homes do. Vanagon Westfalia campers came stock with tracks for curtains but no such options are available for non-camper Vanagons. Adding curtains or drapes to a non-camper Vanagons is no easy task, and perfect solutions do not exist. There are a couple of aftermarket solutions that work if you are willing to do the work yourself. Click through to check out the options.
It is not very often that you see a double cab Syncro Vanagon work truck. This four wheeler has a unique rear storage area with side doors that look like wings. I found it on Flickr and therefore have no idea about its owner.
Look at this yellow single cab beauty. Unlike yesterday’s dropped Vanagon that someone named “Shorty,” this single cab looks short in another way. Don’t the wheels look closer together than normal? Everything about this one is top notch. The rear bed’s side panels are short and look how nice the black is. It has a toolbox in the back, and a hidden V8 engine. Click through to see another pic of the engine.
We missed this Vanagon in our “How low can you go” post a few months back, but here is a T25 Vanagon “shorty” I found on Pinterest. It has a very nice two tone paint job, and of course you’ve got to love those VW Bus hubcaps. But for the fact that this Vanagon is dropped, it looks almost completely stock. It doesn’t even have tinted windows.
If you look closely, one of the reasons it looks so clean is it doesn’t appear to have any rear seats.
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