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Sep 26, 2014 | Category: Other People's Hacks


I found this beast on The Samba. Forum user syncrolloyd sure knows how to build a custom camper. It appears to be an early 1980’s custom Syncro camper complete with high top camper, roof racks, side ladder, new wheels, black out tint, and spare tire rack. Click through to see more pictures of this custom Westy camper.



The picture says it all on this one. I ran across this beauty on Pinterest. Would you take this gorgeous double cab Vanagon off-roading? I would be worried about scratching that paint job. This guy has several hacks including roll bars, fog lights, wheels, bumper-mounted winch, sun roof, and more.



Check out this 1980 Vanagon camper with custom cabinets. Andy Compton restored this VW and added his own touch. The baby blue exterior paint is matched with his navy blue interior. White cabinets and a blue stone counter top complete his Westy. Oh, Andy was apparently only 17 when he completed his restoration. Click through to see a few more pics.



I ran across this video of a gorgeous restoration project. The before and after pics are just crazy! The custom upholstery and dash board make me want to duplicate this one. I also like the rearranging of the rear of the van. Trust me, this one is definitely worth watching. Click through for another pic and the video.


Sep 05, 2014 | Category: Other People's Hacks


Need a placement idea for extra gauges in your Vanagon? This hack comes from a 1991 Vanagon Carat listed at This one sports extra VDO water temp, oil pressure, and turbo boost gauges. It’s a little “in your face” but if you really want to see them it works. What do you think? Good placement? Let me know in the comments.




The guys over at Subagon sure know how to redo a Vanagon. This 1986 Syncro, called “The Giraffe,” has recently been redone and has a crazy list of upgrades. While planning the project, they intended to wrap the van in a skin print and call the van Giraffe. Halfway through they scrapped the skin idea, but kept the name. Click through to see the insane list of upgrades and more pics.



There is a lot to say about this monster, but the sun visors are the most obvious. Where in the world did this guy get those? He has one visor on the top, and an clear orange visor on the bottom. And what about the exhaust pipes coming out of the side of the van? Those appear to be just for show. He has a spoiler on the back, a rotating orange (siren) light, as well as mounted fog lights, a custom body kit, and lowering springs. This guy has definitely hacked up his van and should be contributing his ideas to our blog!



The exterior roll bars caught my eye on this beauty, but further investigation revealed the ultimate adventure vehicle. There are so many hacks on this one I don’t know where to start. How about the embedded Hella lights in the lower grill? This Vanagon T3 Syncro TDI looks brand new! You have to click through for more photos, then visit the website for the details.



I’ve always wondered about installing a rooftop air conditioner on a Vanagon. It would be so nice to have cold air while parked. Of course you would likely need a generator somewhere, but that shouldn’t be too hard. Interestingly, I haven’t seen many rooftop A/C’s on Vanagons but I ran across two today. I can’t tell for sure, but it sure looks like the Vanagon above has a rooftop A/C unit in addition to some kind of skylight. CLick through to see another example.


Aug 19, 2014 | Category: Body


Some of the old VW Buses came with louvered windows, or jalousies, but Vanagons come with sliding windows. Several Vanagon owners have adapted the old louvered windows, or made some of their own. There are several examples over at The Samba, and I decided to post a few.


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