Going camping and don’t have a Westy? Why not turn your double cab into a camper? This owner used this double cab to travel from Amsterdam to Gambia in 4 weeks. They went 8000 KM’s with only minor issues. They had some fuel leaks and two cabin fires in the desert, but no flat tires! Click through for one more pic.
What in the world is this camper? It is part Mercedes, part Vanagon. I ran across this bad boy at the BenzWorld forums, where forum user TRUKTOR posted pictures of this custom camper. The whole thing is one big, rugged, hack! Should it be called a Mercedagon or a Vanacedes? Click through for a few more pics.
If the A-Team were still in action today, they could be riding in this baby. I ran across this beauty today and it reminded me of the old 1980’s hit. There is plenty of room on the inside for Murdock to jump around, and Mr. T would love driving this bad boy.
A custom Vanagon bumper can completely change the character of your Vanagon. Westy owners all over the world fabricate custom bumpers for their Vanagons. Some bumpers are created for style, while others hold winches and lock boxes. Whatever your fancy, there are a multitude of ideas out there. Click through for just a few ideas from around the web.
Check out this hand painted Vanagon. Owned by couple named Bruno and Laura, this Westy is one of a kind. It appeared in an annual parade organized by the VW Club of El Salvador, the Caravana por el Día Mundial del Escarabajo (Caravan for the International Day of the Beetle). A quick trip to their website revealed more pictures of the painting process. Click through to see more.
I stumbled onto this Westy by accident. I noticed the awning first, but then the body kit caught my eye. I’ve never seen the custom kit around the middle of the van above the door handles. Nice. I don’t need to mention the high top, awning, custom paint and wheels do I?
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